How Many Pairs of Eyeglasses Do You Own?

How Many Pairs of Eyeglasses Do You Own?

Set Your Sight on a New Pair of Shoes!

In 2006, a survey conducted by Time magazine found that the average American man owns 12 pairs of shoes and the average American woman owns 27 pairs of shoes! Why so many? Because one pair just won’t do! There are shoes for running, shoes for working, shoes for the beach, and shoes for evenings out.

The same can be said of glasses and contact lenses. Your options are endless!

– Prescription Sunglasses for reading at the beach or baiting your hook!

– One-Day replacement contacts for Saturday evenings; Leave your glasses at home and still read the menu!

– Multifocal glasses that allow you to clearly see your computer and the paperwork on your desk without getting a kink in your neck

– Contacts that allow you to see as you apply your eye make-up

– Clear glasses that darken to sunglasses as you walk across the parking lot

– Glasses or contacts designed specifically to alleviate eyestrain from prolonged iPad and iPhone use

– Glasses that minimize the glare from headlights when driving at night

– Contacts to wear on your morning run or your sweaty gym workout

Stop by our office and check out one of the best selections of designer eyeglasses and sunglasses in Wellington. Our Optometrists provide thorough eye exams for adults and kids.

Take advantage of new lens technologies and let our knowledgeable staff guide you. Enjoy comfortable, clear vision throughout your entire day, and see the tag more clearly the next time you add another fabulous pair of shoes to your collection!

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